Being a job seeker is stressful, exciting, promising, daunting, exhilarating, easy and difficult. And that is just on day one. Our team here at StaffMatters strives to give you the best possible chance of advancing your career and landing that dream job. What is the best advice we could give, you ask? Well, the one thing job hunting does not need to be, is that it does not need to be complicated. Keep it all simple. Follow the basic rules.
Today, we would like to share with you our basic rules of an uncomplicated CV. In future articles, we will be sharing our basic rules for a successful interview, a straightforward negotiation strategy, a positive first month at your new job. But for now, herewith the StaffMatters suggestions for an uncomplicated CV:
The consent of your CV absolutely, categorically, unquestionably must include:
- Your name
- Contact details
- Work experience (with the most recent first and the oldest job at the bottom of the list)
- Education / qualifications / courses / seminars
- Other skills such as your IT skills and your language skills (include what your proficiency is in each language)
The details must be presented in a way that is easy for a prospective employer to read:
Have a heart, consider that they will be reading numerous CVs, make it easy for them:
- Bullet points
- Only the pertinent information
- As many pages as it takes (because we are all individuals and one-page-does-NOT-fit-all) but be reasonable
Have a simple, straightforward CV in a simple, straightforward layout:
No columns, text boxes, tables or graphics that do not accurately translate into a client’s database. Remember that your CV will be used by different companies in different ways. Here at StaffMatters, we have a fantastically clever computer and an unparalleled Admin Team who will handle your CV with great care and expertise. But if you had to send that same complex CV to, for example, the HR department of a large company, your CV might be mauled beyond recognition when it gets imported into a database.
The information on your CV is much more important than the look of your CV, so present the information in a simple, straightforward, text-only format.
Ran the spell-check? When you selected all, copied and pasted as text only, did it still all make sense? Checked the dates all make chronological sense? Well, then, don’t wait another minute: send it to us at or apply for specific vacancies on Our team is eagerly waiting to hear from you!
Not ready?
Need help? Our team is here for you and will help in any way that we can. Call us on 25341383 or email
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