If you’ve been on the internet searching anything related to finding employment, you have undoubtedly seen all those websites telling you how to be a successful job-seeker. There is advice about what your CV should look like, what to say in a cover letter, how you should prepare for interviews, what to wear, even what to have for breakfast. Yes, indeed, how to breakfast for interview success!

We get told over and over: your CV must be professional, succinct and error-free; your application must be clear and appropriate; you should prepare for an interview by learning all you can about the company; you should dress professionally; and so on and on.

These do’s and don’ts might not always mean the difference between success and failure, but they do mean that you will enhance your chances of being successful in your job search, which is why job-seekers the world over follow the advice offered.

Our team here at StaffMatters has many years’ experience in this. We have successfully helped hundreds of clients with their recruitment drive and thousands of candidates in their job search. We have had the privilege to facilitate in the job search of the most professional, prepared candidates, who follow the advice shared by all the experts. It is what we experience 99 percent of the time.

But then.

Every now and then, we encounter an oddity: a job-seeker who does not do any of those things. Job-seekers who come for interviews on their way to the beach, dressed in beach-attire replete with hats and flip-flops. CVs that are seemingly trying to convince employers to not hire them. Candidates who are abusive during interviews with clients, swearing at the interviewer. Candidates who smelled of alcohol during the interview. Job-seekers failing because they were unapologetically late for an interview; or casually dressed; or dishonest in their answers.

It is part of the job as a recruiter that all of us here at StaffMatters love about recruitment: we meet fantastic and fascinating and interesting and, sometimes, challenging people. Occasionally, we must stand by and see how someone misses a chance to their dream job, because they did something so unexpected and inexcusable, by not following Rule Number 1 of the Job Search Process.

And this is it: Follow the advice! Because everyone else who is applying for the same job, they are following the advice. Doing the things that the experts recommend us to do when looking for a job is never unnecessary or overkill. Doing those things is what brings you closer to the goal.

If you find the cacophony of voices shouting advice to you to be confusing or overwhelming or contradictory, we would like to offer you our (very!) short list of advice when striving towards success in a job search:

  • CV: must be flawless. Click here if you would like to see our winning formula for what a CV should look like and what information is considered essential.
  • Interview: If your application was successful and you are invited to an interview with a prospective employer: research the company, be on time, dress professionally, mentally prepare answers to expected questions, prepare questions of your own to ask the interviewer.

Our expert Recruiters at StaffMatters are always at your service if you need any help at all. Please ask us if there is any aspect of your job-search with which you might need support or advice – we are here to help you. We even have a great recipe for French toast, if you’re interested!


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